obsplus.utils.time module

Obsplus utilities for working with times.


Get a reference time inferred from an object.


obj (UTCDateTime | Catalog | Event | float | Stream | Trace | None) –

The argument that will indicate a start time. Types and corresponding behavior are as follows:


Convert to UTCDateTime object, interpret as a timestamp.


Return a new UTCDateTime as a copy.


Return the earliest reference time of all events.


First check for a preferred origin, if found return its origin time. If not found, iterate through the events picks and return the earliest pick time. If None are found raise a ValueError.


Return the earliest reference time of all traces.


Return the starttime in the stats object.

  • TypeError if the type is not supported.

  • ValueError if the type is supported but no reference time could be determined.

Return type:


obsplus.utils.time.make_time_chunks(utc1, utc2, duration, overlap=0.0)[source]

Yield time intervals fitting in given datetime range.

Function takes two utc date time objects and create a generator to yield all time in between by intervals of duration. Overlap is number of seconds segment n will overlap into segment n + 1.

  • utc1 (obspy.UTCDateTime compatible object) – The start time of the entire interval

  • utc2 (obspy.UTCDateTime compatible object) – The end time of the entire interval

  • duration (float) – The duration of each chunk

  • overlap (float) – The overlap each chunk should have (added at end)


(time1, time2)

Return type:

Generator[tuple[UTCDateTime, UTCDateTime], None, None]


>>> t1 = obspy.UTCDateTime('2016-01-01')
>>> t2 = t1 + 2 * 3600
>>> out = list(make_time_chunks(t1, t2, 3600))
>>> assert out == [(t1, t1 + 3600), (t1 + 3600, t2)]
obsplus.utils.time.to_datetime64(value, default=NaT)[source]

Convert time value to a numpy datetime64, or array of such.

This function essentially uses the same logic as ~:class:obspy.UTCDateTime but also accounts for native numpy types.

  • value (str | UTCDateTime | float | datetime64 | Timestamp | Sequence[str | UTCDateTime | float | datetime64 | Timestamp] | None) – Any value that can be interpreted as a time. If a sequence is passed an ndarray of type “datetime64[ns]” is returned.

  • default – A value for missing data. pandas.NaT is used by default.

Return type:

datetime64 | ndarray | Series


>>> import obspy
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> timestr = '2020-01-03T11:00:00'
>>> inputs = [obspy.UTCDateTime(timestr), None, 2525, np.datetime64(timestr)]
>>> out = to_datetime64(inputs)
>>> for t in out:
...     assert isinstance(t, np.datetime64) or pd.isnull(t)
>>> assert pd.isnull(out[1])
obsplus.utils.time.to_timedelta64(value, default=numpy.timedelta64(0, 's'))[source]

Convert a value to a timedelta[ns].

Numpy does not gracefully handle non-ints so we need to do some rounding first.

  • value (timedelta64 | int | float | Sequence[timedelta64 | int | float] | ndarray | Series | None) – A float or an int to convert to datetime.

  • default (Any) – The default to return if the input value is not truthy.

Return type:

timedelta64 | ndarray | Series


>>> import numpy as np
>>> # get array of timedelta64[ns] from various input types
>>> inputs = [1, 2.3232, np.timedelta64(5, 'Y')]
>>> out = to_timedelta64(inputs)
>>> assert isinstance(out, np.ndarray)

Convert an object or sequence to a UTCDateTime object.


value (str | UTCDateTime | float | datetime64 | Timestamp | Sequence[str | UTCDateTime | float | datetime64 | Timestamp]) – Any value readable by ~:class:obspy.UTCDateTime, ~:class:numpy.datetime64 or a sequence of such.

Return type:

UTCDateTime | ndarray


>>> import numpy as np
>>> import obspy
>>> inputs = [1, '2017-09-18', np.datetime64('2020-01-03')]
>>> out = to_utc(inputs)
>>> for utc in out:
...     assert isinstance(utc, obspy.UTCDateTime)