obsplus.utils.geodetics module

Utilities for calculating spatial relationships.

class obsplus.utils.geodetics.SpatialCalculator(radius=6378137.0, flattening=0.0033528106647474805)[source]

Bases: object

Class for calculating spatial relationships between two entities.

The default values are appropriate for Earth.

  • radius (float) – The radius of the planetary body in question.

  • flattening (float) – The flattening coefficient of the planetary body in question.


>>> import obsplus
>>> import obspy
>>> from obsplus.utils import SpatialCalculator
>>> calc = SpatialCalculator()  # SpatialCalculator for Earth
>>> # Get the distance and azimuth between two points
>>> p1 = (45.55, -111.21, 1000)  # format is lat, lon, elevation (m asl)
>>> p2 = (40.22, -115, 10)
>>> df = calc(p1, p2)
>>> # Get the distance between each event and each station
>>> events = obspy.read_events()
>>> station = obspy.read_inventory()
>>> df = calc(events, station)
>>> # index 1 is the event_id and index 2 is the seed id
expected_exceptions = (<class 'TypeError'>, <class 'ValueError'>, <class 'AttributeError'>)

Map longitudes to -180 to 180 domain.


angle_array (ndarray | Series) – An array or series with real numeric values representing angles in degrees.

Return type:



>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import numpy as np
>>> angles = np.array([35, -45, 340, -721])
>>> out = map_longitudes(angles)
>>> expected = np.array([35, -45, -20, -1])
>>> assert np.allclose(out, expected)