obsplus.datasets.bingham_test module

The Bingham dataset.

class obsplus.datasets.bingham_test.Bingham(base_path=None)[source]

Bases: DataSet

The Bingham Canyon dataset includes waveforms recorded during and after the Manefay Slide, one of the largest anthropogenic landslides ever recorded (https://bit.ly/2bsRsyR). Fortunately, due to close monitoring, no one was injured.

I have personally modified and added some phase picks to the events. As such, this dataset should be used for testing and demonstration purposes only.


Simply copy events from base directory.


Use obspy’s mass downloader to get station/waveforms data.


Use obspy’s mass downloader to get station/waveforms data.

latitude = 40.53829
longitude = -112.149506
max_dist = 20
name = 'bingham_test'
time_after = numpy.timedelta64(60,'s')
time_before = numpy.timedelta64(10,'s')
version = '0.1.0'