Source code for obsplus.utils.pd

Generic Utilities for Pandas
import fnmatch
import re
from contextlib import suppress
from functools import lru_cache, reduce
from typing import Any, Optional, Sequence, Mapping, Collection, Iterable, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas.api.types import is_string_dtype

from obsplus.constants import (
from obsplus.exceptions import DataFrameContentError
from obsplus.utils.time import to_datetime64, to_timedelta64, to_utc
from obsplus.utils.geodetics import map_longitudes

def _int_column_to_str(ser, width=2, fillchar="0"):
    """Convert an int column to a string"""
    # Do nothing if the column is already a string
    if not is_string_dtype(ser):
        ser = ser.astype("Int64").astype(str).str.pad(width=width, fillchar=fillchar)
    if len(ser.str.split(".", expand=True).columns) > 1:
        raise TypeError("NSLC information cannot contain '.'")
    return ser

# maps obsplus datatypes to functions to apply to columns to obtain dtype
    "ops_datetime": to_datetime64,
    "ops_timedelta": to_timedelta64,
    "utcdatetime": to_utc,
    "nslc_code": _int_column_to_str,
    "longitude": map_longitudes,
    "datetime64[ns]": to_datetime64,

# the dtype of the columns
    "ops_datetime": "datetime64[ns]",
    "ops_timedelta": "timedelta64[ns]",
    "utcdatetime": object,
    "nslc_code": str,
    "longitude": float,

[docs] def convert_bytestrings(df, columns, inplace=False): """ Convert byte strings columns to strings. This removes 'b' and quotation marks from string columns. For some reason encode doesn't work on data returned from hdf5, hence this approach is a bit hacky. Parameters ---------- df The input dataframe. columns The names of the columns to convert to string types inplace If True, perform operation in place. """ def stringitize(ser): return ser.astype(str).str.replace("b", "").str.replace("'", "") funcs = {x: stringitize for x in columns} return apply_funcs_to_columns(df, funcs=funcs, inplace=inplace)
[docs] def apply_funcs_to_columns( df: pd.DataFrame, funcs: Optional[column_function_map_type], inplace: bool = False ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Apply callables to columns. Parameters ---------- df The input dataframe. funcs A mapping of {column_name: function_to_apply}. inplace If True, perform operation in place. Returns ------- A new dataframe with the columns replaced with output of the function. """ if df.empty: return df if funcs is not None: df = df if inplace else df.copy() for col in set(df.columns) & set(funcs): df[col] = funcs[col](df[col]) return df
def _time_cols_to_ints(df, columns=None, nat_value=SMALLDT64): """ Converts all datetime columns to ints. Previously NaT were convertible to ints, but now they raise a value error. We need, therefore, to designate a time that will be used as NaT. """ cols = columns or df.select_dtypes(include=["datetime64"]).columns df.loc[:, cols] = df.loc[:, cols].fillna(nat_value).astype(np.int64) return df def _ints_to_time_columns(df, columns=None, nat_value=SMALLDT64): """ Converts ints in columns (or all ints) to datetimes. Needs a fill value for NaT. """ # TODO will have to be more specific if we ever add other int cols dtypes = [int, np.int64] cols = columns or df.select_dtypes(include=dtypes).columns ser = ( df.loc[:, cols] .apply(pd.to_datetime, unit="ns", axis=1) .replace(nat_value, np.datetime64("NaT")) ) return pd.concat([df.drop(columns=cols), ser], axis=1)[df.columns]
[docs] def cast_dtypes( df: pd.DataFrame, dtype: Optional[Mapping[str, Union[type, str]]] = None, inplace=False, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Cast data types for columns in dataframe, skip columns that doesn't exist. The following obsplus specific datatypes are supported: 'ops_datetime' - call :func:`obsplus.utils.time.to_datetime64` on column 'ops_timedelta` - call :func:`obsplus.utils.time.to_timedelta64` on column Notes ----- This function is different from pd.astype because it skips columns which don't exist and handles custom obsplus dtypes. Parameters ---------- df Dataframe dtype A dict of columns and datatypes. inplace If true perform operation in place. """ df = df if not inplace else df.copy() # get overlapping columns, column functions, and pandas support dtypes overlap = set(dtype) & set(df.columns) column_funcs = { i: OPS_DTYPE_FUNCS[dtype[i]] for i in overlap if dtype[i] in OPS_DTYPE_FUNCS } supported_dtypes = {i: OPS_DTYPES.get(dtype[i], dtype[i]) for i in overlap} # apply functions defined with custom dtypes if column_funcs: df = apply_funcs_to_columns(df, column_funcs, inplace=inplace) return df.astype(supported_dtypes, copy=False)
[docs] def order_columns( df: pd.DataFrame, required_columns: Sequence, drop_columns=False, fill_missing=True ): """ Order a dataframe's columns and ensure it has required columns. Parameters ---------- df The input dataframe. required_columns A sequence that contains the column names. drop_columns If True drop columns not in required_columns. fill_missing If True, create missing required columns and fill with nullish values. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame """ # make sure required columns are there column_set = set(df.columns) missing_cols = set(required_columns) - set(df.columns) extra_cols = sorted(list(column_set - set(required_columns)), key=lambda x: str(x)) if drop_columns: # dont include extras if drop_columns extra_cols = [] # raise a DataFrameContentError if required columns are not there if missing_cols and not fill_missing: msg = f"dataframe is missing required columns: {missing_cols}" raise DataFrameContentError(msg) new_cols = list(required_columns) + extra_cols # add any extra (blank) columns if needed and sort df = df.reindex(columns=new_cols) return df
[docs] def replace_or_swallow(df: pd.DataFrame, replace: dict) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Replace values in a dataframe with new values. Parameters ---------- df The dataframe for which the values will be replaced replace A dict of {old_value: new_values} """ if not replace: return df with suppress(Exception): df = df.replace(replace) return df
[docs] def join_str_columns( df: pd.DataFrame, columns: Sequence[str], join_char: str = "." ) -> pd.Series: """ Join string columns on a dataframe together. Parameters ---------- df The input dataframe with columns listed in columns parameter. columns The columns to be joined. Must be part of df. join_char The string to join the columns together. """ if len(columns) < 2: msg = "at least 2 columns are needed to join" raise ValueError(msg) slist = [df[x].astype(str) for x in columns] return reduce(lambda x, y: x + join_char + y, slist[1:], slist[0])
[docs] def get_seed_id_series( df: pd.DataFrame, null_codes: Optional[Any] = NULL_SEED_CODES, subset: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ) -> pd.Series: """ Create a series of seed_ids from a dataframe with required columns. The seed id series contains strings of the form: Any "nullish" values (defined by the parameter null_codes) will be replaced with an empty string. Parameters ---------- df Any Dataframe that has columns with str dtype named: network, station, location, channel null_codes Codes which should be replaced with a blank string. subset Used to select a subset of the full seed_id. For example, ('network', 'station') would return a series of network.station. Returns ------- A series of concatenated seed_ids codes. Examples -------- >>> import obsplus >>> import obspy >>> # Get a dataframe with only network station location channel columns >>> cat = obspy.read_inventory() >>> NSLC = ['network', 'station', 'location', 'channel'] >>> df = obsplus.stations_to_df(cat)[NSLC] >>> out = get_seed_id_series(df) >>> # Get a series of network.station >>> net_sta = get_seed_id_series(df, subset=('network', 'station')) """ # first ensure subset is in standard NSLC codes if subset is not None and not set(subset).issubset(set(NSLC)): msg = f"subset must be a subset of {NSLC}, you passed {subset}" raise ValueError(msg) # get requested columns and check for their existence cols = NSLC if subset is None else tuple(subset) if not set(cols).issubset(df.columns): missing = set(cols) - set(df.columns) msg = f"dataframe is missing specified columns: {missing}" raise ValueError(msg) # replace nullish codes replace_dict = {x: "" for x in null_codes} nslc = df[list(cols)].astype(str).replace(replace_dict) # join string columns and return return join_str_columns(nslc, columns=cols, join_char=".")
[docs] def filter_index( index: pd.DataFrame, network: Optional = None, station: Optional = None, location: Optional = None, channel: Optional = None, starttime: Optional[utc_time_type] = None, endtime: Optional[utc_time_type] = None, **kwargs, ) -> np.array: """ Filter a waveform index dataframe based on nslc codes and start/end times. Parameters ---------- index A dataframe to filter which should have the corresponding columns to any non-None parameters used in filter. network A network code as defined by seed standards. station A station code as defined by seed standards. location A location code as defined by seed standards. channel A channel code as defined by seed standards. starttime The starttime of interest. endtime The endtime of interest. Additional kwargs are used as filters. Returns ------- A numpy array of boolean values indicating if each row met the filter requirements. """ # handle non-starttime/endtime queries query = dict(network=network, station=station, location=location, channel=channel) kwargs.update({i: v for i, v in query.items() if v is not None}) out = filter_df(index, **kwargs) # handle starttime/endtime queries if needed if starttime is not None or endtime is not None: time_out = _filter_starttime_endtime(index, starttime, endtime) out = np.logical_and(out, time_out) return out
[docs] def filter_df(df: pd.DataFrame, **kwargs) -> np.array: """ Determine if each row of the index meets some filter requirements. Parameters ---------- df The input dataframe. kwargs Any condition to check against columns of df. Can be a single value or a collection of values (to check isin on columns). Str arguments can also use unix style matching. Returns ------- A boolean array of the same len as df indicating if each row meets the requirements. """ # ensure the specified kwarg keys have corresponding columns if not set(kwargs).issubset(df.columns): msg = f"columns: {set(kwargs) - set(df.columns)} are not found in df" raise ValueError(msg) # divide queries into flat parameters and collections flat_query = { k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if isinstance(v, str) or not isinstance(v, Collection) } sequence_query = { k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k not in flat_query and v is not None } # get a blank index of True for filters bool_index = np.ones(len(df), dtype=bool) # filter on non-collection queries for key, val in flat_query.items(): if isinstance(val, str): regex = get_regex(val) new = df[key].str.match(regex).values bool_index = np.logical_and(bool_index, new) else: new = (df[key] == val).values bool_index = np.logical_and(bool_index, new) # filter on collection queries using isin for key, val in sequence_query.items(): bool_index = np.logical_and(bool_index, df[key].isin(val)) return bool_index
def _filter_starttime_endtime(df, starttime=None, endtime=None): """Filter dataframe on starttime and endtime.""" bool_index = np.ones(len(df), dtype=bool) t1 = to_datetime64(starttime) if starttime is not None else SMALLDT64 t2 = to_datetime64(endtime) if endtime is not None else LARGEDT64 # get time columns start_col = getattr(df, "starttime", getattr(df, "start_date", None)) end_col = getattr(df, "endtime", getattr(df, "end_date", None)) in_time = ~((end_col < t1) | (start_col > t2)) return np.logical_and(bool_index, in_time.values)
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=2500) def get_regex(seed_str): """Compile, and cache regex for str queries.""" return fnmatch.translate(seed_str) # translate to re
def _column_contains(ser: pd.Series, str_sequence: Iterable[str]) -> pd.Series: """Test if a str series contains any values in a sequence""" safe_matches = {re.escape(x) for x in str_sequence} return ser.str.contains("|".join(safe_matches)).values
[docs] def get_waveforms_bulk_args( df: pd.DataFrame, time_dtype: str = "utcdatetime" ) -> bulk_waveform_arg_type: """ Get the inputs to a get_waveforms_bulk from a dataframe. Parameters ---------- df A dataframe with required columns: network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime time_dtype Dtype to use for the starttime and endtime Returns ------- A list of tuples [(network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime),] """ def rename_startdate_enddate(df): """rename startdate, enddate to starttime endtime""" col_set = set(df.columns) if "startdate" in col_set and "starttime" not in col_set: df = df.rename(columns={"startdate": "starttime"}) if "enddate" in col_set and "endtime" not in col_set: df = df.rename(columns={"enddate": "endtime"}) return df def _times_to_utc(df): """Convert time columns to UTCDateTime.""" df["starttime"] = to_utc(df["starttime"]) df["endtime"] = to_utc(df["endtime"]) return df def _check_nslc_codes(df): """Ensure there are no wildcards in NSLC columns.""" for code in NSLC: has_qmark = df[code].str.contains("?", regex=False).any() has_star = df[code].str.contains("*", regex=False).any() if has_qmark or has_star: msg = f"columns {NSLC} cannot contain * or ?, column {code} does" raise DataFrameContentError(msg) return df def _check_starttime_endtime(df): """Ensure all starttimes are less than endtimes.""" # starttimes must be <= endtime invalid_time_range = df["starttime"] >= df["endtime"] if invalid_time_range.any(): msg = "all values in starttime must be <= endtime" raise DataFrameContentError(msg) return df def _check_missing_data(df): """There should be no missing data in the required columns.""" # first check if all required columns exist if not set(BULK_WAVEFORM_COLUMNS).issubset(set(df.columns)): missing_cols = set(BULK_WAVEFORM_COLUMNS) - set(df.columns) msg = f"Dataframe is missing the following columns: {missing_cols}" raise DataFrameContentError(msg) missing_date = df[list(BULK_WAVEFORM_COLUMNS)].isnull().any() no_data_cols = missing_date[missing_date].index if not no_data_cols.empty: msg = f"dataframe is missing values in columns: {list(no_data_cols)}" raise DataFrameContentError(msg) return df dtypes = {x: str for x in NSLC} dtypes.update({"starttime": time_dtype, "endtime": time_dtype}) order_cols_kwargs = dict(drop_columns=True, fill_missing=False) df = ( rename_startdate_enddate(df) .pipe(_check_missing_data) .pipe(_times_to_utc) .pipe(order_columns, BULK_WAVEFORM_COLUMNS, **order_cols_kwargs) .pipe(_check_nslc_codes) .pipe(_check_starttime_endtime) .pipe(cast_dtypes, dtypes) ) # df = order_columns(df, required_columns=BULK_WAVEFORM_COLUMNS) return df[list(BULK_WAVEFORM_COLUMNS)].to_records(index=False).tolist()