Source code for

General utility functions which are not specific to one data type.

import copy
import logging
import warnings
from contextlib import suppress
from functools import singledispatch
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Callable, Iterable

import obspy
import obspy.core.event as ev
import pandas as pd
from obspy.core.event import Catalog, Event, ResourceIdentifier, WaveformStreamID

import obsplus
from obsplus.constants import (
from obsplus.exceptions import ValidationError
from obsplus.interfaces import EventClient
from import EVENT_EXT, _get_time_values
from obsplus.utils.misc import yield_obj_parent_attr, _get_path
from obsplus.utils.pd import get_seed_id_series
from obsplus.utils.time import _get_event_origin_time, to_utc

[docs] def duplicate_events( event: catalog_or_event, resource_generator: Optional[Callable] = None ) -> catalog_or_event: """ Duplicate an event. Creates a copy of the event, and assigns new resource IDs to all internal objects (ie picks, station_magnitudes, etc.). Will not assign new resource_id to those representing external resources (eg analyst, velocity models, etc.). Parameters ---------- event The event to duplicate. resource_generator: A callable that can be used to generate resource IDs. """ new = copy.deepcopy(event) gen_func = resource_generator or ResourceIdentifier id_map = {} # map old id to new # first pass through bind resource id to parent if attr is resource_id for rid, parent, attr in yield_obj_parent_attr(new, ResourceIdentifier): if attr == "resource_id": try: prefix = rid.prefix except AttributeError: prefix = "smi:local" new_rid = gen_func(referred_object=parent, prefix=prefix) id_map[] = new_rid setattr(parent, attr, new_rid) # second pass, swap out resource ids with the same id as those in id_map for rid, parent, attr in yield_obj_parent_attr(new, ResourceIdentifier): if in id_map and attr != "resource_id": setattr(parent, attr, id_map[]) return new
[docs] def prune_events(events: catalog_or_event) -> Catalog: """ Remove all the unreferenced rejected objects from an event or catalog. This function first creates a copy of the event/catalog. Then it looks all objects with rejected evaluation status', which are not referred to by any un-rejected object, and removes them. Parameters ---------- events The events to iterate and modify Returns ------- A Catalog with the pruned events. """ from import validate_catalog # ensure we have something iterable events = [events] if isinstance(events, ev.Event) else events out = [] def _get_edges_rids_opa(event): """ Return a list of edges (resource_id_parent, resource_id_child), a set of rejected resource_ids and a dict of {resource_id: (obj, parent, attr)}. """ edges = [] # list of tuples (parent, child) rejected_rid = set() # {resource_id, } rejected_opa = {} # {resource_id: [obj, parent, attr]} # first make a list objects with eval status as well as all other # objects they refer to, using resource_ids opa_iter = yield_obj_parent_attr(event, has_attr="evaluation_status") for obj, parent, attr in opa_iter: rid = str(obj.resource_id) is_rejected = obj.evaluation_status == "rejected" if is_rejected: rejected_rid.add(rid) rejected_opa[rid] = (obj, parent, attr) # now recurse object and find all objects this one refers to opa_iter_2 = yield_obj_parent_attr(obj, cls=ev.ResourceIdentifier) for obj2, _, _ in opa_iter_2: edges.append((rid, str(obj2))) return edges, rejected_rid, rejected_opa def _remove_object(obj, parent, attr): """ Remove the object. """ maybe_obj = getattr(parent, attr) # if maybe_obj is obj: # breakpoint() # setattr(parent, attr, None) # else: assert isinstance(maybe_obj, list) maybe_obj.remove(obj) # iterate events, find and destroy rejected orphans (that sounds bad...) for event in events: event = event.copy() validate_catalog(event) edges, rejected_rid, rejected_opa = _get_edges_rids_opa(event) df = pd.DataFrame(edges, columns=["parent", "child"]) # filter out non rejected children df = df[df.child.isin(rejected_opa)] # iterate rejected children IDs and search for any non-rejected parent for rid, dff in df.groupby("child"): if dff.parent.isin(rejected_rid).all(): _remove_object(*rejected_opa[rid]) out.append(event) return Catalog(out)
[docs] @singledispatch def strip_events( events: catalog_or_event, reject_evaluation_status: Iterable = "rejected" ) -> catalog_or_event: """ Removes all derivative data and rejected objects from an event or catalog This is a nuclear option for when processing goes horribly wrong. It will only keep picks and amplitudes that are not rejected in addition to the first event description for the event. Parameters ---------- events The events to strip reject_evaluation_status Reject picks and amplitudes that have this as an evaluation status (accepts either a single value or a list) Returns ------- The stripped events """ # Make sure this returns a new catalog out = Catalog() for eve in events: out.append(strip_events(eve, reject_evaluation_status=reject_evaluation_status)) return out
@strip_events.register(Event) def _strip_event(eve, reject_evaluation_status="rejected") -> Event: """Strip down a single event""" # Make sure this returns a copy of the events eve = eve.copy() # Remove derivative data for att in ["origins", "magnitudes", "station_magnitudes", "focal_mechanisms"]: setattr(eve, att, []) # Unset preferred anything for att in ["origin", "magnitude", "focal_mechanism"]: setattr(eve, f"preferred_{att}_id", None) # Filter the picks if isinstance(reject_evaluation_status, str): reject_evaluation_status = [reject_evaluation_status] eve.picks = [ p for p in eve.picks if p.evaluation_status not in reject_evaluation_status ] # Filter the amplitudes amps = [] for amp in eve.amplitudes: # Reject if the evaluation status is in the reject list if amp.evaluation_status in reject_evaluation_status: continue if amp.pick_id: pick = amp.pick_id.get_referred_object() # Reject if the evaluation status of the pick tied to the amplitude is in # the reject list if pick and pick.evaluation_status in reject_evaluation_status: continue amps.append(amp) eve.amplitudes = amps # Filter the event descriptions if len(eve.event_descriptions): eve.event_descriptions = [eve.event_descriptions[0]] return eve
[docs] def bump_creation_version(obj): """ Bump the version in an object's CreationInfo and add creation time. Take an obspy object and try to bump creation info. This is done by first creating info if obj.creation_info is None, then addition creation_time and bumping the version by one """ if not hasattr(obj, "creation_info"): # nothing to do if no CI msg = "%s has no creation_info attribute" % obj logging.warning(msg) return # get creation info now = ci = obj.creation_info if ci is None: ci = obspy.core.event.CreationInfo() ci.creation_time = now ci.version = _bump_version(ci.version) obj.creation_info = ci
def _bump_version(version): """bump the version in the creation info""" if isinstance(version, str): split = [int(x) for x in version.split(".")] split[-1] += 1 version = ".".join([str(x) for x in split]) elif version is None: version = "0.0.0" return version
[docs] def make_origins( events: catalog_or_event, inventory: obspy.Inventory, depth: float = 1.0, phase_hints: Optional[Iterable] = ("P", "p"), ) -> catalog_or_event: """ Iterate a catalog or single events and ensure each has an origin. If no origins are found for an event, create one with the time set to the earliest pick and the location set to the location of the first hit station. Events are modified in place. This may be useful for location codes that need a starting location. Parameters ---------- events The events to scan and add origins were necessary. inventory An inventory object which contains all the stations referenced in quakeml elements of events. depth The default depth for created origins. Should be in meters. See the obspy docs for Origin or the quakeml standard for more details. phase_hints List of acceptable phase hints to use for identifying the earliest pick. By default will only search for "P" or "p" phase hints. Returns ------- Either a Catalog or Event object (same as input). """ # ensure input is an iterable of events cat = [events] if isinstance(events, Event) else events # load inv dataframe and make sure it has a seed_id column df = obsplus.stations_to_df(inventory) nslc_series = get_seed_id_series(df) for event in cat: if not # make new origin picks = event.picks_to_df() picks = picks.loc[ (~(picks["evaluation_status"] == "rejected")) & (picks["phase_hint"].isin(phase_hints)) ] if not len(picks): msg = f"{event} has no acceptable picks to create origin" raise ValidationError(msg) # get first pick, determine time/station used first_pick = picks.loc[picks["time"].idxmin()] seed_id = first_pick["seed_id"] # find channel corresponding to pick df_chan = df[nslc_series == seed_id] if not len(df_chan): raise ValidationError(f"{seed_id} not found in inventory") ser = df_chan.iloc[0] # create origin ori = _create_first_pick_origin(first_pick, ser, depth=depth) return events
def _create_first_pick_origin(first_pick, channel_ser, depth): """Create an origin based on first pick and a channel series.""" msg = ( "origin fixed to location and time of earliest pick by " f"obsplus version {obsplus.__last_version__}" ) comment = ev.Comment(text=msg) odict = dict( time=to_utc(first_pick["time"]), latitude=channel_ser["latitude"], longitude=channel_ser["longitude"], depth=depth, time_fixed=True, comments=[comment], ) return ev.Origin(**odict)
[docs] def get_seed_id(obj: catalog_component) -> str: """ Get the NSLC associated with an station-specific object. Parameters ---------- obj The object for which to retrieve the seed id. Can be anything that has a waveform_id attribute or refers to an object with a waveform_id attribute. Returns ------- str : The seed_id in the form of "" """ if isinstance(obj, WaveformStreamID): # Get the seed id return obj.get_seed_string() if isinstance(obj, ResourceIdentifier): # Get the next nested object return get_seed_id(obj.get_referred_object()) # The order of this list matters! It should first try waveform_id and then # go from the shallowest nested attribute to the deepest attrs = ["waveform_id", "station_magnitude_id", "amplitude_id", "pick_id"] # Make sure the object has at least one of the required attributes if not len(set(attrs).intersection(set(vars(obj)))): raise TypeError(f"cannot retrieve seed id for objects of type {type(obj)}") # Loop over each of the attributes, if it exists and is not None, # go down a level until it finds a seed id for att in attrs: val = getattr(obj, att, None) if val is not None: with suppress((TypeError, AttributeError)): return get_seed_id(val) # If it makes it this far, it could not find a non-None attribute # raise assertion error so this still works in validators assert 0, f"Unable to fetch a seed id for {obj.resource_id}"
[docs] @singledispatch def get_event_client(events: event_clientable_type) -> EventClient: """ Extract an event client from various inputs. Parameters ---------- events Any of the following: * A path to an obspy-readable event file * A path to a directory of obspy-readable event files * An `obspy.Catalog` instance * An instance of :class:`~obsplus.EventBank` * Any other object that has a `get_events` method Raises ------ TypeError If an event client cannot be determined from the input. """ if not isinstance(events, EventClient): msg = f"an event client could not be extracted from {events}" raise TypeError(msg) return events
@get_event_client.register(str) @get_event_client.register(Path) def _catalog_to_client(path): """ Turn a str or directory into a client. If a single file, try to read as events, if directory init event bank. """ path = Path(path) # ensure we are working with a path assert path.exists() if path.is_dir(): return get_event_client(obsplus.EventBank(path)) else: return get_event_client(obspy.read_events(str(path))) @get_event_client.register(ev.Event) def _event_to_catalog(event): return get_event_client(obspy.Catalog(events=[event]))
[docs] def get_preferred(event: Event, what: str, init_empty=False): """ get the preferred object (eg origin, magnitude) from the event. If not defined use the last in the list. If list is empty init empty object. Parameters ---------- event: obspy.core.event.Event The instance for which the preferred should be sought. what: the preferred item to get Can either be "magnitude", "origin", or "focal_mechanism". init_empty If True, rather than return None when no preferred object is found create an empty object of the appropriate class and return it. """ def _none_or_empty(): """Return None or an empty object of correct type.""" if init_empty: return getattr(obspy.core.event, what.capitalize())() else: return None pref_type = { "magnitude": ev.Magnitude, "origin": ev.Origin, "focal_mechanism": ev.FocalMechanism, } prefname = "preferred_" + what whats = what + "s" obj = getattr(event, prefname)() if obj is None: # get end of list pid = getattr(event, prefname + "_id") if pid is None: # no preferred id set, return last in list try: # if there is None return an empty one obj = getattr(event, whats)[-1] except IndexError: # object has no whats (eg magnitude) # TODO why not return None here? return _none_or_empty() else: # there is an id, it has just come detached, try to find it potentials = { x for x in getattr(event, whats)} obj = potentials.get(, None) if obj is None: # it wasn't found in the potentials. var = (, whats, str(event)) warnings.warn("cannot find %s in %s for event %s" % var) try: obj = getattr(event, whats)[-1] except IndexError: # there are no "whats", return None return _none_or_empty() # make sure the correct output type is returned cls = pref_type[what] assert isinstance(obj, cls), f"{type(obj)} is not a {cls}, wrong type returned" return obj
def _summarize_event( event: ev.Event, path: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, path_struct: Optional[str] = None, name_struct: Optional[str] = None, ) -> dict: """ Function to extract info from events for indexing. Parameters ---------- event The event object path Other Parameters to the file name Name of the file path_struct directory structure to create name_struct """ res_id = str(event.resource_id) out = { "ext": EVENT_EXT, "event_id": res_id, "event_id_short": res_id[-5:], "event_id_end": res_id.split("/")[-1], } t1 = _get_event_origin_time(event) out.update(_get_time_values(t1)) path_struct = path_struct if path_struct is not None else EVENT_PATH_STRUCTURE name_struct = name_struct or EVENT_NAME_STRUCTURE out.update(_get_path(out, path, name, path_struct, name_struct)) return out