Source code for obsplus.structures.dfextractor

DataFrameExtractor class and friends.
import copy
import warnings
from collections import UserDict
from functools import singledispatch, reduce
from typing import Mapping, Sequence, Optional, Dict

import pandas as pd

from obsplus.constants import column_function_map_type, TIME_COLUMNS, NSLC
from obsplus.utils.time import to_datetime64
from obsplus.utils.pd import (

# Create a dictionary of standard column_name: funcs to apply
standard_column_transforms = {x: to_datetime64 for x in TIME_COLUMNS}

def _pass_through_dataframe(df: pd.DataFrame):
    return df

def _merge_dicts(dict1: Mapping, dict2: Mapping) -> Mapping:
    """Merge two mappings (dict-likes) together."""
    return {**dict1, **dict2}

def _get_output_dict(obj, name, func):
    """return an output dict."""
    out = func(obj)
    # a dict was returned, each key, value maps to a column, value
    if isinstance(out, dict):
        return out
    else:  # a value that maps to a column was returned
        # get rid of get_ or _get_ prefix for naming column
        if name.startswith("get_"):
            name = name[4:]
        elif name.startswith("_get_"):
            name = name[5:]
        return {name: out}

[docs] class DataFrameExtractor(UserDict): """ A class to extract dataframes from nested object trees. Generally used to construct summary dataframes from nested object structures such as the obspy Catalog. Parameters ---------- cls The top-level class the extractor acts on. required_columns If not None, assert required columns are in dataframe, and order columns the same as required_columns, with extra columns at the end. dtypes A dict of {column name: required data type}. Can also be specified when registering extractors. pass_dataframe If True, return dataframes passed to DataFrameExtractor.__call__. This allows the DataFrameExtractor to be idempotent. column_funcs Columns that are UTCDateTime objects. Will correctly handle UTCDateTime-able objects (like date-time strings, floats, etc). """ nslc = set(NSLC) nslc.add("seed_id")
[docs] def __init__( self, cls, required_columns: Sequence[str] = None, dtypes=None, pass_dataframe=True, column_funcs: Optional[column_function_map_type] = None, ): super().__init__() self.cls = cls self._func = singledispatch(self._base_call) self._base_required_columns = required_columns self._dtypes = [dtypes] if dtypes is not None else [] self._column_funcs = column_funcs or () if pass_dataframe: self._func.register(pd.DataFrame)(_pass_through_dataframe)
[docs] def extractor(self, dtypes: Optional[Dict[str, type]] = None): """ Register an extractor. An extractor is a function which extracts values from instances of a class. It should either return a dict of {column names: values} or a single value and the name of the function (minus get_ prefix if one exists) will be the column name. Parameters ---------- dtypes A dict of {column name: dtype} to enforce a schema on the data. """ # this allows the extractor to be used with or without calling it. # this case is when the decorator was applied without calling it if callable(dtypes): return self.extractor(dtypes=None)(dtypes) # case when extractor was called before applying decorator def register_extractor(func): name = self._get_name(func) if name in msg = f"{name} is already a registered extractor, overwriting" warnings.warn(msg)[name] = func if dtypes is not None: self._dtypes.append(dtypes) return func return register_extractor
[docs] def register(self, cls): """ Registers an alternate constructor. Registers an alternate constructor that is called when the input is not an instance of the expected class. This is useful, for examples to make the DataFrameExtractor idempotent or to default to various read methods in a path/str is passed. Parameters ---------- cls The dtype to register """ def register_single_dispatch(func): self._func.register(cls)(func) return func return register_single_dispatch
def _get_name(self, func): """get the name of a callable.""" try: return func.__name__ except AttributeError: # if this is an instance return func.__class__.__name__ def _base_call(self, objs, extras=None) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Extract information from objects for creating dataframes. The typical call method when the standard datatype is passed. An iterable of self.cls objects should be passed. Parameters ---------- objs An iterable of self.cls objects extras A dict with keys as object identities and values as a dict to add to object row. Allows injecting additional information that is not normally found on the object itself. """ extras = extras or {} rows = [] if isinstance(objs, self.cls): # ensure and iterable was passed objs = [objs] for obj in objs: try: row = [_get_output_dict(obj, n, f) for n, f in] except self.SkipRow: continue row.append(extras.get(id(obj), {})) # add extras injected to call if row: rows.append(reduce(_merge_dicts, row)) return pd.DataFrame(rows)
[docs] def copy(self) -> "DataFrameExtractor": """Return a deep copy of the fetcher.""" return copy.deepcopy(self)
def __call__(self, obj, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Iterate an object tree and create a dataframe. Finds all instances of targeted class and returns a row for each. Parameters ---------- obj The object to recurse. """ df = self._func(obj, **kwargs) assert isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame), "must return a DataFrame instance" out = ( df.pipe(apply_funcs_to_columns, funcs=self._column_funcs) .pipe(order_columns, required_columns=self._base_required_columns) .pipe(cast_dtypes, dtype=self.dtypes) .pipe(replace_or_swallow, {"nan": "", "None": "", "<NA>": ""}) ) # If the extracted info contains NSLC information, make sure the seed_id matches if self.nslc.issubset(out.columns): out["seed_id"] = ( out["network"] + "." + out["station"] + "." + out["location"] + "." + out["channel"] ) return out def __str__(self): msg = ( f"DataFrameExtractor for {self.cls} with " f"registered extractors:\n {set(} \n " f"and registered types:\n {set(self._func.registry)}" ) return msg
[docs] class SkipRow(StopIteration): """exception to raise to skip a row."""
@property def dtypes(self): """return a dictionary of datatypes.""" return reduce(_merge_dicts, self._dtypes)