Source code for obsplus.datasets.crandall_test

The Crandall Canyon dataset
import numpy as np
import obspy
from obspy import UTCDateTime as UTC
from obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader import (
from obspy.geodetics import kilometers2degrees

import obsplus
from obsplus import WaveBank, events_to_df
from obsplus.datasets.dataset import DataSet

[docs] class Crandall(DataSet): """ Seismic data recorded by regional stations associated with the Crandall Canyon Mine Collapse ( Six mine workers and three rescue workers lost their lives in the disaster. This dataset is of interest to mine seismology researchers because better understanding of the conditions and sources involved will help prevent future disasters. I have personally modified and added some phase picks to the events. As such, this dataset should be used for testing and demonstration purposes only. """ name = "crandall_test" version = "0.0.1" # Days of interest. The collapse occurred on Aug 6th starttime = obspy.UTCDateTime("2007-08-06") endtime = obspy.UTCDateTime("2007-08-10") time_before = np.timedelta64(10, "s") time_after = np.timedelta64(60, "s") # approx. location of collapse latitude = 39.462 longitude = -111.228 max_dist = 150 # max distance from event (km) to keep station
[docs] def download_events(self): """Just copy the events into a directory.""" cat = obspy.read_events(str(self.source_path / "events.xml")) obsplus.EventBank(self.event_path).put_events(cat)
def _download_crandall(self): """download waveform/station info for dataset.""" bank = WaveBank(self.waveform_path) domain = CircularDomain( self.latitude, self.longitude, minradius=0, maxradius=kilometers2degrees(self.max_dist), ) cat = obspy.read_events(str(self.source_path / "events.xml")) df = events_to_df(cat) for _, row in df.iterrows(): starttime = row.time - self.time_before endtime = row.time + self.time_after restrictions = Restrictions( starttime=UTC(starttime), endtime=UTC(endtime), minimum_length=0.90, minimum_interstation_distance_in_m=100, channel_priorities=["HH[ZNE]", "BH[ZNE]"], location_priorities=["", "00", "01", "--"], ) kwargs = dict( domain=domain, restrictions=restrictions, mseed_storage=str(self.waveform_path), stationxml_storage=str(self.station_path), ) MassDownloader(providers=[self._download_client]).download(**kwargs) # ensure data have actually been downloaded bank.update_index() assert not bank.read_index(starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime).empty download_stations = _download_crandall download_waveforms = _download_crandall