Source code for

A local database for waveform formats.
import os
import time
from collections import defaultdict
from concurrent.futures import Executor
from contextlib import suppress
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import obspy
import pandas as pd
import tables
from obspy import UTCDateTime, Stream

from import _Bank
from obsplus.constants import (
from import (
from import compose_docstring
from obsplus.utils.misc import replace_null_nlsc_codes
from obsplus.utils.pd import get_seed_id_series, cast_dtypes, convert_bytestrings
from obsplus.utils.pd import order_columns, filter_index
from obsplus.utils.time import to_datetime64, make_time_chunks, to_utc, to_timedelta64
from obsplus.utils.waveforms import (

# No idea why but this needs to be here to avoid problems with pandas
assert tables.hdf5_version

# ------------------------ constants

[docs] class WaveBank(_Bank): """ A class to interact with a directory of waveform files. WaveBank recursively reads each file in a directory and creates an index to allow the files to be efficiently queried. Implements a superset of the :class:`~obsplus.interfaces.WaveformClient` interface. Parameters ---------- base_path : str The path to the directory containing waveform files. If it does not exist an empty directory will be created. path_structure : str Define the directory structure of the wavebank that will be used to put waveforms into the directory. Characters are separated by /, regardless of operating system. The following words can be used in curly braces as data specific variables: year, month, day, julday, hour, minute, second, network, station, location, channel, time example : streams/{year}/{month}/{day}/{network}/{station} If no structure is provided it will be read from the index, if no index exists the default is {net}/{sta}/{chan}/{year}/{month}/{day} name_structure : str The same as path structure but for the file name. Supports the same variables but requires a period as the separation character. The default extension (.mseed) will be added. The default is {time} example : {seedid}.{time} cache_size : int The number of queries to store. Avoids having to read the index of the bank multiple times for queries involving the same start and end times. format : str The expected format for the waveform files. Any format supported by is permitted. The default is mseed. Other formats will be tried after the default parser fails. ext : str or None The extension of the waveform files. If provided, only files with this extension will be read. executor An executor with the same interface as concurrent.futures.Executor, the map method of the executor will be used for reading files and updating indices. Examples -------- >>> # --- Create a `WaveBank` from a path to a directory with waveform files. >>> import obsplus >>> import obspy >>> waveform_path = obsplus.copy_dataset('default_test').waveform_path >>> # init a WaveBank and index the files. >>> wbank = obsplus.WaveBank(waveform_path).update_index() >>> # --- Retrieve a stream objects from the bank. >>> # Load all Z component data (dont do this for large datasets!) >>> st = wbank.get_waveforms(channel='*Z') >>> assert isinstance(st, obspy.Stream) and len(st) == 1 >>> # --- Read the index used by WaveBank as a DataFrame. >>> df = wbank.read_index() >>> assert len(df) == 3, 'there should be 3 traces in the bank.' >>> # --- Get availability of archive as dataframe >>> avail = wbank.get_availability_df() >>> # --- Get table of gaps in the archive >>> gaps_df = wbank.get_gaps_df() >>> # --- yield 5 sec contiguous streams with 1 sec overlap (6 sec total) >>> # get input parameters >>> t1, t2 = avail.iloc[0]['starttime'], avail.iloc[0]['endtime'] >>> kwargs = dict(starttime=t1, endtime=t2, duration=5, overlap=1) >>> # init list for storing output >>> out = [] >>> for st in wbank.yield_waveforms(**kwargs): ... out.append(st) >>> assert len(out) == 6 >>> # --- Put a new stream and into the bank >>> # get an event from another dataset, keep track of its id >>> ds = obsplus.load_dataset('bingham_test') >>> query_kwargs = dict (station='NOQ', channel='*Z') >>> new_st = ds.waveform_client.get_waveforms(**query_kwargs) >>> assert len(new_st) >>> wbank.put_waveforms(new_st) >>> st2 = wbank.get_waveforms(channel='*Z') >>> assert len(new_st) + 2 """ # index columns and types metadata_columns = "last_updated path_structure name_structure".split() index_str = tuple(NSLC) index_ints = ("starttime", "endtime", "sampling_period") index_columns = tuple(list(index_str) + list(index_ints) + ["path"]) columns_no_path = index_columns[:-1] _gap_columns = tuple(list(columns_no_path) + ["gap_duration"]) _segment_columns = tuple(list(index_str) + ["starttime", "endtime", "duration"]) namespace = "/waveforms" buffer = np.timedelta64(1_000_000_000, "ns") # dict defining lengths of str columns (after seed spec) # Note: Empty strings get their dtypes caste as S8, which means 8 is the min min_itemsize = {"path": 79, "station": 8, "network": 8, "location": 8, "channel": 8} _min_files_for_bar = 5000 # number of files before progress bar kicks in _dtypes_input = WAVEFORM_DTYPES_INPUT _dtypes_output = WAVEFORM_DTYPES # ----------------------------- setup stuff
[docs] def __init__( self, base_path: Union[str, Path, "WaveBank"] = ".", path_structure: Optional[str] = None, name_structure: Optional[str] = None, cache_size: int = 5, format="mseed", ext=None, executor: Optional[Executor] = None, ): if isinstance(base_path, WaveBank): self.__dict__.update(base_path.__dict__) return self.format = format self.ext = ext self.bank_path = Path(base_path).absolute() # get waveforms structure based on structures of path and filename self.path_structure = ( path_structure if path_structure is not None else WAVEFORM_STRUCTURE ) self.name_structure = name_structure or WAVEFORM_NAME_STRUCTURE self.executor = executor # initialize cache self._index_cache = _IndexCache(self, cache_size=cache_size) # enforce min version or warn on newer version self._enforce_min_version() self._warn_on_newer_version()
# ----------------------- index related stuff @property def last_updated_timestamp(self) -> Optional[float]: """ Return the last modified time stored in the index, else None. """ self.ensure_bank_path_exists() node = self._time_node try: out = pd.read_hdf(self.index_path, node)[0] except (IOError, IndexError, ValueError, KeyError, AttributeError): out = None return out @property def hdf_kwargs(self) -> dict: """A dict of hdf_kwargs to pass to PyTables""" return dict( complib=self._complib, complevel=self._complevel, format="table", data_columns=list(self.index_ints), )
[docs] @compose_docstring( bar_description=bar_parameter_description, paths_description=paths_description ) def update_index( self, bar: Optional = None, paths: Optional[bank_subpaths_type] = None ) -> "WaveBank": """ Iterate files in bank and add any modified since last update to index. Parameters ---------- {bar_description} {paths_description} """ self._enforce_min_version() # delete index if schema has changed update_time = time.time() # create a function for the mapping and apply func = partial( _summarize_wave_file, format=self.format, summarizer=summarizing_functions.get(self.format, None), ) file_yielder = self._unindexed_iterator(paths=paths) iterable = self._measure_iterator(file_yielder, bar) updates = list(self._map(func, iterable)) update_list = list(chain.from_iterable(updates)) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(update_list) # push updates to index if any were found if not df.empty: self._write_update(df, update_time) # clear cache out when new traces are added self.clear_cache() return self
def _write_update(self, update_df, update_time): """convert updates to dataframe, then append to index table""" # read in dataframe and prepare for input into hdf5 index df = self._prep_write_df(update_df) with pd.HDFStore(self.index_path) as store: node = self._index_node try: nrows = store.get_storer(node).nrows except (AttributeError, KeyError): store.append( node, df, min_itemsize=self.min_itemsize, **self.hdf_kwargs ) else: df.index += nrows store.append(node, df, append=True, **self.hdf_kwargs) # update timestamp update_time = time.time() if update_time is None else update_time store.put(self._time_node, pd.Series(update_time)) # make sure meta table also exists. # Note this is hear to avoid opening the store again. if self._meta_node not in store: meta = self._make_meta_table() store.put(self._meta_node, meta, format="table") def _prep_write_df(self, df): """Prepare the dataframe to put it into the HDF5 store.""" # ensure the bank path is not in the path column assert "path" in set(df.columns), f"{df} has no path column" df["path"] = _remove_base_path(df["path"], self.bank_path) dtype = WAVEFORM_DTYPES_INPUT df = ( df.pipe(order_columns, required_columns=list(dtype)) .pipe(cast_dtypes, dtype=dtype, inplace=True) .pipe(convert_bytestrings, columns=self.index_str, inplace=True) ) # populate index store and update metadata assert not df.isnull().any().any(), "null values found in index" return df def _ensure_meta_table_exists(self): """ If the bank path exists ensure it has a meta table, if not create it. """ if not Path(self.index_path).exists(): return with pd.HDFStore(self.index_path) as store: # add metadata if not in store if self._meta_node not in store: meta = self._make_meta_table() store.put(self._meta_node, meta, format="table")
[docs] @compose_docstring(waveform_params=get_waveforms_parameters) def read_index( self, network: Optional[str] = None, station: Optional[str] = None, location: Optional[str] = None, channel: Optional[str] = None, starttime: Optional[utc_time_type] = None, endtime: Optional[utc_time_type] = None, **kwargs, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Return a dataframe of the index, optionally applying filters. Parameters ---------- {waveform_params} kwargs kwargs are passed to pandas.read_hdf function """ self.ensure_bank_path_exists() if not self.index_path.exists(): self.update_index() # if no file was created (dealing with empty bank) return empty index if not self.index_path.exists(): return pd.DataFrame(columns=self.index_columns) # grab index from cache index = self._index_cache(starttime, endtime, buffer=self.buffer, **kwargs) # filter and return filt = filter_index( index, network=network, station=station, location=location, channel=channel ) return index[filt]
def _read_metadata(self): """ Read the metadata table. """ try: with pd.HDFStore(self.index_path, "r") as store: out = store.get(self._meta_node) store.close() return out except (FileNotFoundError, ValueError, KeyError, OSError): with suppress(UnboundLocalError): store.close() self._ensure_meta_table_exists() return pd.read_hdf(self.index_path, self._meta_node) # ------------------------ availability stuff
[docs] @compose_docstring(get_waveform_params=get_waveforms_parameters) def get_availability_df(self, *args, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Return a dataframe specifying the availability of the archive. Parameters ---------- {get_waveform_params} """ # no need to read in path, just read needed columns ind = self.read_index(*args, columns=self.columns_no_path, **kwargs) gro = ind.groupby(list(NSLC)) min_start = gro.starttime.min().reset_index() max_end = gro.endtime.max().reset_index() return pd.merge(min_start, max_end)
[docs] def availability( self, network: str = None, station: str = None, location: str = None, channel: str = None, ) -> availability_type: """ Get availability for a given group of instruments. Parameters ---------- network The network code. station The station code. location The location code channel The chanel code. """ df = self.get_availability_df(network, station, location, channel) # convert timestamps to UTCDateTime objects df["starttime"] = df.starttime.apply(UTCDateTime) df["endtime"] = df.endtime.apply(UTCDateTime) # convert to list of tuples, return return df.to_records(index=False).tolist()
# --------------------------- get gaps stuff
[docs] @compose_docstring(get_waveforms_params=get_waveforms_parameters) def get_gaps_df( self, *args, min_gap: Optional[Union[float, np.timedelta64]] = None, **kwargs ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Return a dataframe containing an entry for every gap in the archive. Parameters ---------- {get_waveforms_params} min_gap The minimum gap to report in seconds or as a timedelta64. If None, use 1.5 x sampling rate for each channel. """ def _get_gap_dfs(df, min_gap): """Apply me to each group of seed_id dataframes""" if not len(df): return pd.DataFrame( columns=df.columns.union(["starttime", "endtime", "gap_duration"]) ) # get the min gap if min_gap is None: min_gap = 1.5 * df["sampling_period"].iloc[0] else: min_gap = to_timedelta64(min_gap) # get df for determining gaps dd = ( df.drop_duplicates() .sort_values(["starttime", "endtime"]) .reset_index(drop=True) ) shifted_starttimes = dd.starttime.shift(-1) cum_max = np.maximum.accumulate( dd["endtime"] + min_gap ) # Handles data overlaps gap_index = cum_max < shifted_starttimes # create a dataframe of gaps df = dd[gap_index] df["starttime"] = dd.endtime[gap_index] df["endtime"] = shifted_starttimes[gap_index] df["gap_duration"] = df["endtime"] - df["starttime"] return df # get index and group by NSLC and sampling_period index = self.read_index(*args, **kwargs) group_names = list(NSLC) + ["sampling_period"] # include period group = index.groupby(group_names, as_index=False, group_keys=False) out = group.apply(_get_gap_dfs, min_gap=min_gap) if out.empty: # if not gaps return empty dataframe with needed cols return pd.DataFrame(columns=self._gap_columns) return out.reset_index(drop=True)
[docs] @compose_docstring(get_waveforms_params=get_waveforms_parameters) def get_uptime_df( self, *args, **kwargs, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Return a dataframe with uptime stats for selected channels. Parameters ---------- {get_waveforms_params} min_gap The minimum gap to report in seconds or as a timedelta64. If None, use 1.5 x sampling rate for each channel. """ avail = self.get_availability_df(*args, **kwargs) gaps_df = self.get_gaps_df(*args, **kwargs) # get total number of seconds bank spans for each seed id avail["duration"] = avail["endtime"] - avail["starttime"] # get total duration of gaps by seed id if gaps_df.empty: gap_total_df = pd.DataFrame(avail[list(NSLC)]) gap_total_df["gap_duration"] = EMPTYTD64 else: gap_totals = gaps_df.groupby(list(NSLC)).gap_duration.sum() gap_total_df = pd.DataFrame(gap_totals).reset_index() # merge gap dataframe with availability dataframe, add uptime and % df = pd.merge(avail, gap_total_df, how="outer") # fill any Nan in gap_duration with empty timedelta df["gap_duration"] = df["gap_duration"].fillna(EMPTYTD64) df["uptime"] = df["duration"] - df["gap_duration"] df["availability"] = df["uptime"] / df["duration"] return df
[docs] @compose_docstring(get_waveforms_params=get_waveforms_parameters) def get_segments_df( self, *args, **kwargs, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Return a dataframe of contiguous segments for the selected channels Parameters ---------- {get_waveforms_params} min_gap The minimum gap to report in seconds or as a timedelta64. If None, use 1.5 x sampling rate for each channel. """ def _get_details(ser): # Get the gap report for the seed id seed_id = tuple(ser[list(NSLC)].values) if seed_id in gps.groups: df = gps.get_group(seed_id).reset_index(drop=True) df.loc[max(df.index) + 1, :] = None starttime = df["endtime"].shift( 1 ) # End of the gap is the start of the next data segment = "starttime" endtime = df["starttime"] # Start of the gap is end of the data segment = "endtime" # Fill in the missing values starttime[0] = ser.starttime endtime[max(endtime.index)] = ser.endtime # Build the dataframe uptime = pd.concat([starttime, endtime], axis=1) else: df = pd.DataFrame(columns=gaps_df.columns) uptime = pd.DataFrame( [[ser["starttime"], ser["endtime"]]], columns=["starttime", "endtime"], ) uptime["duration"] = uptime["endtime"] - uptime["starttime"] for x in NSLC: uptime[x] = ser[x] return uptime min_gap = kwargs.pop("min_gap", None) avail = self.get_availability_df(*args, **kwargs) gaps_df = self.get_gaps_df(*args, min_gap=min_gap, **kwargs) gps = gaps_df.groupby(list(NSLC)) if not len(avail): return pd.DataFrame(columns=self._segment_columns) return pd.concat( [_get_details(row) for _, row in avail.iterrows()] ).reset_index(drop=True)
# ------------------------ get waveform related methods
[docs] def get_waveforms_bulk( self, bulk: bulk_waveform_arg_type, index: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Stream: """ Get a large number of waveforms with a bulk request. Parameters ---------- bulk A list of any number of lists containing the following: (network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime). index A dataframe returned by read_index. Enables calling code to only read the index from disk once for repetitive calls. """ df = get_waveform_bulk_df(bulk) if not len(df): return obspy.Stream() # get index and filter to temporal extents of request. t_min, t_max = df["starttime"].min(), df["endtime"].max() if index is not None: ind = index[~((index.starttime > t_max) | (index.endtime < t_min))] else: ind = self.read_index(starttime=t_min, endtime=t_max) # for each unique time, apply other filtering conditions and get traces unique_times = np.unique(df[["starttime", "endtime"]].values, axis=0) traces = [] for utime in unique_times: sub = _filter_index_to_bulk(utime, ind, df) traces += self._index2stream(sub, utime[0], utime[1], merge=False).traces return merge_traces(obspy.Stream(traces=traces), inplace=True)
[docs] @compose_docstring(get_waveforms_params=get_waveforms_parameters) def get_waveforms( self, network: Optional[str] = None, station: Optional[str] = None, location: Optional[str] = None, channel: Optional[str] = None, starttime: Optional[utc_able_type] = None, endtime: Optional[utc_able_type] = None, ) -> Stream: """ Get waveforms from the bank. Parameters ---------- {get_waveforms_params} Notes ----- All string parameters can use posix style matching with * and ? chars. All datapoints between selected starttime and endtime will be returned. Consequently there may be gaps in the returned stream. """ index = self.read_index( network=network, station=station, location=location, channel=channel, starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime, ) return self._index2stream(index, starttime, endtime)
[docs] @compose_docstring(get_waveforms_params=get_waveforms_parameters) def yield_waveforms( self, network: Optional[str] = None, station: Optional[str] = None, location: Optional[str] = None, channel: Optional[str] = None, starttime: Optional[utc_able_type] = None, endtime: Optional[utc_able_type] = None, duration: float = 3600.0, overlap: Optional[float] = None, ) -> Stream: """ Yield time-series segments. Parameters ---------- {get_waveforms_params} duration : float The duration of the streams to yield. All channels selected channels will be included in the waveforms. overlap : float If duration is used, the amount of overlap in yielded streams, added to the end of the waveforms. Notes ----- All string parameters can use posix style matching with * and ? chars. Total duration of yielded streams = duration + overlap. """ # get times in float format starttime = to_datetime64(starttime, 0.0) endtime = to_datetime64(endtime, "2999-01-01") # read in the whole index df index = self.read_index( network=network, station=station, location=location, channel=channel, starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime, ) # adjust start/end times starttime = max(starttime, index.starttime.min()) endtime = min(endtime, index.endtime.max()) # chunk time and iterate over chunks time_chunks = make_time_chunks(starttime, endtime, duration, overlap) for t1, t2 in time_chunks: t1, t2 = to_datetime64(t1), to_datetime64(t2) con1 = (index.starttime - self.buffer) > t2 con2 = (index.endtime + self.buffer) < t1 ind = index[~(con1 | con2)] if not len(ind): continue yield self._index2stream(ind, t1, t2)
# ----------------------- deposit waveforms methods
[docs] def put_waveforms( self, stream: Union[obspy.Stream, obspy.Trace], name=None, update_index=True ): """ Add the waveforms in a waveforms to the bank. Parameters ---------- stream An obspy waveforms object to add to the bank name Name of file, if None it will be determined based on contents update_index Flag to indicate whether or not to update the waveform index after writing the new events. Default is True. """ self.ensure_bank_path_exists(create=True) st_dic = defaultdict(lambda: []) # make sure we have a trace iterable stream = [stream] if isinstance(stream, obspy.Trace) else stream # iter the waveforms and group by common paths paths = [] for tr in stream: summary = _summarize_trace( tr, name=name, path_struct=self.path_structure, name_struct=self.name_structure, ) path = self.bank_path / summary["path"] st_dic[path].append(tr) # iter all the unique paths and save for path, tr_list in st_dic.items(): # make the parent directories if they dont exist path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) stream = obspy.Stream(traces=tr_list).split() # load the waveforms if the file already exists if path.exists(): st_existing = stream += st_existing # polish streams and write stream = merge_traces(stream, inplace=True) stream.write(str(path), format="mseed") paths.append(path) # update the index as the contents have changed if st_dic and update_index: self.update_index(paths=paths)
# ------------------------ misc methods def _index2stream(self, index, starttime=None, endtime=None, merge=True) -> Stream: """return the waveforms in the index""" # get abs path to each datafame files: pd.Series = (str(self.bank_path) + os.sep + index.path).unique() # make sure start and endtimes are in UTCDateTime starttime = to_utc(starttime) if starttime else None endtime = to_utc(endtime) if endtime else None # iterate the files to read and try to load into waveforms kwargs = dict(format=self.format, starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime) func = partial(_try_read_stream, **kwargs) stt = obspy.Stream() chunksize = (len(files) // self._max_workers) or 1 for st in self._map(func, files, chunksize=chunksize): if st is not None: stt += st # sort out nullish nslc codes stt = replace_null_nlsc_codes(stt) # filter out any traces not in index (this can happen when files hold # multiple traces). nslc = set(get_seed_id_series(index)) stt.traces = [x for x in stt if in nslc] # trim, merge, attach response stt = self._prep_output_stream(stt, starttime, endtime, merge=merge) return stt def _prep_output_stream( self, st, starttime=None, endtime=None, merge=True ) -> obspy.Stream: """ Prepare waveforms object for output by trimming to desired times, merging channels, and attaching responses. """ if not len(st): return st if starttime is not None or endtime is not None: starttime = starttime or min([x.stats.starttime for x in st]) endtime = endtime or max([x.stats.endtime for x in st]) st.trim(starttime=to_utc(starttime), endtime=to_utc(endtime)) if merge: st = merge_traces(st, inplace=True) return st.sort()