Source code for

Class for interacting with events on a filesystem.
import inspect
import os
import time
from concurrent.futures import Executor
from functools import reduce, partial
from operator import add
from os.path import getmtime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Union, Sequence, Set

import numpy as np
import obspy
import obspy.core.event as ev
import pandas as pd

import obsplus
from import _Bank
from import (
from obsplus.utils.pd import (
from import _summarize_event, get_event_client
from obsplus.constants import (
from import (
from obsplus.exceptions import BankDoesNotExistError
from obsplus.interfaces import ProgressBar, EventClient
from obsplus.utils import iterate
from obsplus.utils.misc import try_read_catalog, suppress_warnings
from import compose_docstring
from obsplus.utils.time import _dict_times_to_npdatetimes, to_datetime64

# --- define static types

# Fixed types for expected columns
# output types (ie returned from read_index)

    for i, v in EVENT_TYPES_OUTPUT.items()
    if inspect.isclass(v) and issubclass(v, str)
INT_COLUMNS = {i for i, v in EVENT_TYPES_OUTPUT.items() if v is int}

# kwargs supported by get_index
SUPPORTED_KWARGS = set(EVENT_TYPES_OUTPUT) | {"columns", "_allow_update"}

[docs] class EventBank(_Bank): """ A class to interact with a directory of event files. EventBank recursively reads each event file in a directory and creates an index to allow the files to be efficiently queried. Implements a superset of the :class:`~obsplus.interfaces.EventClient` interface. Parameters ---------- base_path The path to the directory containing event files. If it does not exist an empty directory will be created. path_structure Defines the directory structure used by the event bank. Characters are separated by /, regardless of operating system. The following words can be used in curly braces as data specific variables: year, month, day, julday, hour, minute, second, event_id, event_id_short If no structure is provided it will be read from the index, if no index exists the default is {year}/{month}/{day}. name_structure The same as path structure but for the file name. Supports the same variables and a slash cannot be used in a file name on most operating systems. The default extension (.xml) will be added. The default is {time}_{event_id_short}. format The anticipated format of the event files. Any format supported by the obspy.read_events function is permitted. ext The extension on the files. Can be used to avoid parsing non-event files. executor An executor with the same interface as :py:class:`concurrent.futures.Executor, the map method of the executor will be used for reading files and updating indices. Attributes ---------- allow_update_timestamp If True, allow the bank to update its index timestamp. The default value of True is appropriate for all but some very complicated setups. Examples -------- >>> # --- Create an `EventBank` from a path to a directory with quakeml files. >>> import obsplus >>> event_path = obsplus.copy_dataset('default_test').event_path >>> # init an EventBank and index the event files. >>> ebank = obsplus.EventBank(event_path).update_index() >>> # --- Retrieve catalog objects from the bank. >>> cat = ebank.get_events(minmagnitude=4.3, minlatitude=40.12) >>> print(cat) 1 Event(s) in Catalog:... >>> # --- Put event files bank into the bank. >>> # get an event from another dataset, keep track of its id >>> ds = obsplus.load_dataset('bingham_test') >>> new_events = ds.event_client.get_events(limit=1) >>> new_event_id = str(new_events[0].resource_id) >>> # put the event into the EventBank >>> _ = ebank.put_events(new_events) >>> print(ebank.get_events(eventid=new_event_id)) 1 Event(s) in Catalog:... >>> # --- Read the index used by EventBank as a DataFrame. >>> df = ebank.read_index() >>> assert len(df) == 4, 'there should now be 4 events in the bank.' """ namespace = "/events" index_name = ".index.db" # name of index file allow_update_timestamp = True _min_files_for_bar = 50 _dtypes_output = EVENT_TYPES_OUTPUT _dtypes_input = EVENT_TYPES_INPUT _max_events_in_memory = 2000
[docs] def __init__( self, base_path: Union[str, Path, "EventBank"] = ".", path_structure: Optional[str] = None, name_structure: Optional[str] = None, format="quakeml", ext=".xml", executor: Optional[Executor] = None, ): """Initialize an instance.""" if isinstance(base_path, EventBank): self.__dict__.update(base_path.__dict__) return self.bank_path = Path(base_path).absolute() self._index = None self.format = format self.ext = ext # get waveforms structure based on structures of path and filename ps = ( path_structure if path_structure is not None else (self._path_structure or EVENT_PATH_STRUCTURE) ) self.path_structure = ps ns = name_structure or self._name_structure or EVENT_NAME_STRUCTURE self.name_structure = ns self.executor = executor # enforce min version and warn on newer self._enforce_min_version() self._warn_on_newer_version()
@property def last_updated_timestamp(self): """Return the last modified time stored in the index, else 0.0""" with sql_connection(self.index_path) as con: try: return _read_table(self._time_node, con).loc[0, "time"] except (, KeyError): # table is empty return 0.0 @property def _path_structure(self): """return the path structure stored in memory""" try: return self._read_metadata()["path_structure"][0] except (, BankDoesNotExistError): return None @property def _name_structure(self): """return the name structure stored in memory""" try: return self._read_metadata()["name_structure"][0] except (, BankDoesNotExistError): return None # --- index stuff
[docs] @compose_docstring(get_events_params=get_events_parameters) def read_index(self, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Read the index and return a dataframe containing the event info. Parameters ---------- {get_events_params} """ self.ensure_bank_path_exists() # make sure all times are numpy datetime64 kwargs = _dict_times_to_npdatetimes(kwargs) # a simple switch to prevent infinite recursion allow_update = kwargs.pop("_allow_update", True) # validate kwargs _validate_get_event_kwargs(kwargs, extra=SUPPORTED_KWARGS) # Circular search requires work to be done on the dataframe - we need # to get the whole dataframe then calculate the distances and search in # that circular_kwargs, kwargs = _sanitize_circular_search(**kwargs) with sql_connection(self.index_path) as con: try: df = _read_table(self._index_node, con, **kwargs) except # if this database has never been updated, update now if allow_update and self.last_updated_timestamp < 1: self.update_index() return self.read_index(_allow_update=False, **kwargs) # else return empty index df = pd.DataFrame(columns=list(EVENT_TYPES_OUTPUT)) df = _ints_to_time_columns(df, columns=INT_COLUMNS).pipe( self._prepare_dataframe, dtypes=EVENT_TYPES_OUTPUT ) if len(circular_kwargs) >= 3: # Requires at least latitude, longitude and min or max radius circular_ids = _get_ids(df, circular_kwargs) df = df[df.event_id.isin(circular_ids)] return df
[docs] @compose_docstring( bar_description=bar_parameter_description, subpaths_description=paths_description, ) def update_index( self, bar: Optional[ProgressBar] = None, paths: Optional[bank_subpaths_type] = None, ) -> "EventBank": """ Iterate files in bank and add any modified since last update to index. Parameters ---------- {bar_parameter_description} {paths_description} """ self._enforce_min_version() # delete index if schema has changed # create iterator and lists for storing output update_time = time.time() # create an iterator which yields files to update and updates bar file_yielder = self._unindexed_iterator(paths=paths) update_file_feeder = self._measure_iterator(file_yielder, bar) new_func = partial(self._get_cat_update_time_path, format=self.format) # create iterator, loop over it in chunks until it is exhausted iterator = self._map(new_func, update_file_feeder) events_remain = True while events_remain: events_remain = self._index_from_iterable(iterator, update_time) return self
@staticmethod def _get_cat_update_time_path(path, format): """Function to yield events, update_time and paths.""" # NOTE: This function must be static to avoid pickling the attached # executor. (see #158). cat = try_read_catalog(path, format=format) update_time = getmtime(path) return cat, update_time, path def _index_from_iterable(self, iterable, update_time): """Iterate over an event iterable and dump to database.""" events, update_times, paths = [], [], [] max_mem = self._max_events_in_memory # this avoids the MRO each loop events_remain = False for cat, mtime, path in iterable: if cat is None: continue for event in cat: events.append(event) update_times.append(mtime) paths.append(path) if len(events) >= max_mem: # max limit exceeded, dump to db events_remain = True break # add new events to database df = df["updated"] = to_datetime64(update_times) df["path"] = _remove_base_path(pd.Series(paths, dtype=object), self.bank_path) if len(df): df = _time_cols_to_ints(df) df_to_write = self._prepare_dataframe(df, EVENT_TYPES_INPUT) self._write_update(df_to_write, update_time) return events_remain def _prepare_dataframe(self, df: pd.DataFrame, dtypes: dict): """ Fill missing values and casting data types. """ # replace "None" with empty string for str columns str_cols = list(STR_COLUMNS & set(df.columns)) df.loc[:, str_cols] = df.loc[:, str_cols].replace(["None"], [""]) # get expected datatypes assert set(INT_COLUMNS | STR_COLUMNS).issubset(set(dtypes)) intersection = set(dtypes) & set(df.columns) dtype = {i: dtypes[i] for i in dtypes if i in intersection} # order columns, set types, reset index out = ( df.loc[:, ~df.columns.duplicated()] .pipe(cast_dtypes, dtype=dtype) # drop dup. columns .pipe(order_columns, required_columns=list(dtype), drop_columns=True) .reset_index(drop=True) ) # convert low ints back to NaT return out def _write_update(self, df: pd.DataFrame, update_time=None): """convert updates to dataframe, then append to index table""" # read in dataframe and cast to correct types assert not df.duplicated().any(), "update index has duplicate entries" # set both dfs to use index of event_id df = df.set_index("event_id") # get current events, but dont allow it to update again current = self.read_index(event_id=set(df.index), _allow_update=False) indicies_to_update = set(current["event_id"]) & set(df.index) # populate index store and update metadata with sql_connection(self.index_path) as con: if indicies_to_update: # delete rows that will be re-entered _drop_rows(self._index_node, con, event_id=indicies_to_update) node = self._index_node df.to_sql(node, con, if_exists="append", index_label="event_id") tables = _get_tables(con) if self._meta_node not in tables: meta = self._make_meta_table() meta.to_sql(self._meta_node, con, if_exists="replace") # update timestamp with suppress_warnings(): # ignore pandas collection warning if self.allow_update_timestamp: timestamp = update_time or time.time() dft = pd.DataFrame(timestamp, index=[0], columns=["time"]) dft.to_sql(self._time_node, con, if_exists="replace", index=False) self._metadata = meta self._index = None # --- meta table def _read_metadata(self): """return the meta table""" self.ensure_bank_path_exists() with sql_connection(self.index_path) as con: sql = f'SELECT * FROM "{self._meta_node}";' out = pd.read_sql(sql, con) return out # --- read events stuff
[docs] @compose_docstring(get_events_params=get_events_parameters) def get_events(self, **kwargs) -> obspy.Catalog: """ Read events from bank. Parameters ---------- {get_events_params} """ ind = self.read_index(**kwargs) eids = ind["event_id"] file_paths = ind["path"] paths = str(self.bank_path) + os.sep + _natify_paths(file_paths) paths.drop_duplicates(inplace=True) read_func = partial(try_read_catalog, format=self.format) # Divide work evenly between workers, with a min chunksize of 1. chunksize = len(paths) // self._max_workers or 1 map_kwargs = dict(chunksize=chunksize) try: mapped_values = self._map(read_func, paths.values, **map_kwargs) non_none_values = (x for x in mapped_values if x is not None) cat = reduce(add, non_none_values) except TypeError: # empty events cat = obspy.Catalog() # Make sure only the events of interest are included events = [eve for eve in cat if in eids.values] return obspy.Catalog(events=events)
[docs] def ids_in_bank(self, event_id: Union[str, Sequence[str]]) -> Set[str]: """ Determine if one or more event_ids are used by the bank. This function is faster than reading the entire index into memory to perform a similar check. Parameters ---------- event_id A single event id or sequence of event ids. Returns ------- A set of event_ids which are also found in the bank. """ eids = self.read_index(columns="event_id").values unique = set(np.unique(eids)) return unique & {str(x) for x in iterate(event_id)}
[docs] @compose_docstring(bar_parameter_description=bar_parameter_description) def put_events( self, events: Union[ev.Event, ev.Catalog, EventClient], update_index: bool = True, bar: Optional[ProgressBar] = None, overwrite_existing=True, ) -> "EventBank": """ Put events into the EventBank. If the event_id already exists the old event will be overwritten on disk. Parameters ---------- events An objects which contains event data (e.g. Catalog, Event, EventBank, etc.) update_index Flag to indicate whether or not to update the event index after writing the new events. Note: Only events added through this method call will get indexed. Default is True. {bar_parameter_description} overwrite_existing If True, overwrite any existing events in the EventBank which share an event id with the new events. Notes ----- If any of the events do not have an extractable reference time a ``ValueError`` will be raised. """ self.ensure_bank_path_exists(create=True) # get catalog from any event client events = get_event_client(events).get_events() # get index only with needed resource_ids event_ids = [str(x.resource_id) for x in events] df = self.read_index(event_id=event_ids).set_index("event_id") # create an iterator and apply over potential pool event_feeder = self._measure_iterator(events, bar) new_func = partial( self._put_event, index=df, bank_path=self.bank_path, path_structure=self.path_structure, name_structure=self.name_structure, format=self.format, overwrite_existing=overwrite_existing, ) paths_raw = list(self._map(new_func, event_feeder)) # can include None if update_index: # parse newly saved files and update index paths = [x for x in paths_raw if x is not None] # remove None self.update_index(paths=paths) return self
@staticmethod def _put_event( event, index, bank_path, path_structure, name_structure, format, overwrite_existing, ): """ Get a single event's path, save to db, return path. NOTE: This function must be static to avoid pickling the attached executor (see #158) """ bank_path = str(bank_path) df = index rid = str(event.resource_id) if rid in df.index: # event needs to be updated path = df.loc[rid, "path"] save_path = bank_path + os.sep + path if not overwrite_existing: # dont update existing return else: # event file does not yet exist path = _summarize_event( event, path_struct=path_structure, name_struct=name_structure )["path"] save_path = (Path(bank_path) / path).absolute() path = Path(save_path) path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) event.write(str(path), format=format) return path get_event_summary = read_index